Coach JR going up for a layup.Coach JR going up for a layup.

Basketball training for players of all levels.

Our training system stems from Coach J.R.'s professional career experience.
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Youth Club

Build self-confidence, teamwork, and leadership through the game of basketball.
Open to boy and girls of all abilities and ages.

Choose between 1 or 2 days per week.

Hand holding a basketball on the side of the hip.

Elite Training

We do it differently! Along with specialized training equipment, Coach J.R. has an abundance of professional experience to share, specializing in strategic defensive and offensive movements.

This training program is for the players that are looking to step up their game.

Train with Coach J.R. in private or with your teammates.

Coach JR throwing the basketball behind his back.

Adult Club

Coach JR smiling down at the basketball he is holding with both hands.

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